Thanks for joining us here at Fairport United Methodist Church!
If you are new to Fairport United Methodist Church, we encourage you to take a look around our website.
Will you continue online worship?
Yes! Worship will continue to be live streamed at 10:30 AM each Sunday for those who feel more comfortable at home at this time.
Services are presently available on Facebook (Fairport UMC) and Youtube. Current and prior services are also available by clicking the Prior Services option under the Worship tab on this web page. For more information regarding Online Worship, click here.
What time does service begin?
From September thru June, there are two Sunday Morning Services: 9:00 & 10:30. We will be holding one service in the summer at 9:30 AM. Doors will open 30 minutes before service starts and our goal is to have service last about 60 minutes.
Where do I go when I arrive?
You can enter the building through the Parking Lot entrance (the double doors near the elevator). You may also enter through the Church Street doors. Volunteers will greet you and, if desired, an usher will help you find a seat.
Where do my children go?
Children of all ages are always welcome in our worship services! At this time, the nursery is not staffed but it is open for parents to enter with their children and the service is livestreamed in there as well.
What will service be like?
When you join us for a worship service we want you to feel safe, welcomed and ready to experience God’s love. Service will include music, scripture reading, prayer, a message and once a month communion.
On Communion Sundays (1st Sunday of the month) all are welcome at the table. We receive communion by intinction where a server will give you a piece of bread and you are invited to dip it into the cup of juice. We also have gluten free options and prepackaged juice cups for those who are most comfortable receiving that way.
What precautions are you taking to help keep everyone safe?
- We encourage everyone to follow CDC recommended guidelines. We have extra signage reminding us of how to be safe.
- Masks will be available for all.
- Hand sanitizer will be available throughout the building and you are encouraged to use it when you enter and exit the building.