Youth Activity, Service and Mission Opportunities At Fairport United Methodist Church:
- Ushers
- Readers
- Nursery Volunteer
- Assisting in Sunday School classes
- Communion Servers
- Choirs – Chancel, Youth and Bell Choirs
- Drama during some worship services
- Instrumental worship service music
- Sunday Dinner Ministry

Reach Workcamp: Senior High Mission Trip
The Sr High youth participate in a Reach Workcamp mission trip experience each summer where we provide physical labor to assist a resident of the United States. To be eligible to attend workcamp, participation in Sunday School, youth evening meetings, fundraisers and mission-trip-specific meetings is required. Attendance at a Reach Workcamp is a “reach”– physically, skill-wise, and spiritually. As a Workcamper you are making a commitment to our group, to REACH Workcamp and even to your resident, and it must be a firm commitment. Before we leave for that week in the summer, we will be commissioned as a group in front of our Congregation.


Wheels for the World: Junior & Senior High Bike Trip
Since 1994, our Wheels for the World ministry has presented the Gospel by delivering wheelchairs and Bibles in developing countries. But Wheels for the World is not simply about “dropping off a wheelchair.” It’s about changing the hearts, minds, and lives of people. It’s about transforming societies, village by village, person by person. Wheels for the World shares the love of Jesus Christ, extended through the gift of mobility, bringing hope, joy, and salvation to children and adults with disabilities around the world.
Through participation in our annual “Wheels for the World” Bike Trip to Hamlin Beach State Park, the money that our youth group raises will go toward the parts and transportation costs for refurbishing and delivering wheelchairs all over the world. We will have four days of camping, studying, rest and relaxation, and enjoying each other’s company. We have our time at Hamlin designed to build Christian community and to learn more about God’s purpose in our lives. The sense of community and building of history together that naturally happens on the Bike Trip is often the reason that youth have decided that they want to continue to attend youth functions.
The Bike Trip, as well as many other youth activities and events, creates for youth a memory of a time when they felt especially close to God. This is an intentional part of the ministry that we believe helps equip youth for their spiritual journey here in Jr. and Sr. High. In addition, we believe that these memories can play an especially significant role during the post high school years. A young adult may seek similar community because of their memories. These memories may play a particularly important part in bringing a youth or young adult back from a time away from God and the church.
Imagine you have lived in one room for many years, unable to go outside. Think of a husband pushing his wife down a rutted road in a wheelbarrow. Picture a man who needs to walk on hands and feet with flip-flops on his hands to protect them. Consider a 10-year-old boy who has never run or stood unaided, dependent on his parents to carry him everywhere. What these people have in common with 18 million others world-wide is that they need a wheelchair and have no hope of purchasing one. In many areas of the world people with disabilities are neglected and forgotten by society and the wheelchairs they need so much are simply unobtainable. Disability carries a stigma and is a source of shame.